Thursday, October 27, 2011

A 20-day old OZ!

Today marks my 20th day down under as an official resident! Wheeehaaa!

I actually thought it’s been longer than that!

But anyway… what can I say? Hmmm… one thing, it’s DIFFERENT! Of course, it is! But adjusting seems to be not a problem to me at all. I think I have adjusted well enough.

One thing I am just not very used to is the idea of being “dependent” to someone (at least financially)! It just feels foreign to me. I rather have someone depend on me than me being dependent on someone. But I guess it’s all part of me growing up and becoming more mature. I needed to learn to let go of my control-freak self and be free to depend on someone. Yeah, I really should learn that!

Aside from my job hunting frustrations, things seem to be doing Okay. There are still so much to be done around the house but I’ll take it easy. My main goal now is to find a job, pay all my financial commitments, be financially stable again before end of this year, do some home renovations, then save up for our trip and wedding next year!


The hard beginning

Okay, I need to write this down for I know, I will cherish this moment in the future. 

I just recently moved to a new city and left my growing career back home. It is a decision I have made without any doubt. I know it is going to be difficult. However, you just simply cannot avoid feeling down and frustrated with how slow things progress with my job hunting. 

Back home, jobs come to me. Here, I needed to go through the needle hole to get the job I like. 
Back home, there are people willing to hire me in a heartbeat! 
Here – most of the companies don’t even bother to screen me simply because I am not Australian.

But yeah, what can I really expect right? I have known this is going to happen!

I guess I am just venting out. I just want to document how I feel now so if time comes when I already have the job I like and earn as much money I used to earn back home, I can happily look back and say – I made it through, AGAIN! 

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Special Monkey Cake!

After completing his Chinese Law course in Hong Kong, from Manila I have called his hotel long distance and special ordered a monkey cake from the Hotel restaurant to surprise him and to also celebrate his achievement even though we are thousands of miles apart.

Though it didn't turn out the way I expected it for he got drunk the night I have the cake delivered to his room, I was still touched by the Thank you email he wrote for me 18 hours later.

Love Struck Monkey!
[01/29/11 at 2:31pm]

Thank you [A], from the bottom of my heart. Actually, when I returned from The Philippines the first time, I said to my uncle and dad, I have met a girl and I think I’m going to do something rash, and my uncle said "what? Like marry her!?" and I said yes, which was greeted with silence. My uncle played a silent violin which, unmarried as he is, marks his attitude to marriage, which is largely similar to my own. I think marriage is fought with danger for independent people. In KK and the second trip to Manila it further reinforced my absolute belief that you are the one. After meeting u, my dad, uncle, brother and sister-in-law agreed. I know I haven’t shown my love enough, mostly because I’m unused to the whole idea but I will improve over time. You don’t know it, but you already have the fantastical support of me, I will do anything for u, and will happily support you in the future to achieve whatever you want to. I haven’t proposed to a girl before and actually I don’t believe in love at first sight. But for some reason I told Rhine and <sorry hangover, struggling to remember her name> that I liked you on the final night in Catbalogan. And through that one act, I have met the girl of my dreams so I have become truly happy. Know though that I only want the best for you so choosing gifts is difficult for me, I don’t have a long history of giving gifts to show my love because I haven’t really fallen in love with anyone before, but now that I have Ill improve on the gift giving front ;) And for an unselfish action like sending the cake, a quick message or one line email simply isn’t appropriate, actions should be met by like actions, love should be met by love, not by a departing boyfriend, with no shirt on, insisting that he didn’t order a cake, and slowly nodding his head when asked if it’s his birthday!

In Arabic they have a proverb - maha salaama - to walk without fear 
With you in my life, even when you are not by my side, it’s the easiest thing in the world :)

The happiness you have brought me will only increase when we get you a visa, so that we can spend our lives together! xxx

Dear Case Officer:

I have submitted my Fiance Visa application in March 2011 and one of the requirements is a letter detailing the history of our relationship. Below is what I have written:

[for privacy: some names where changed]

The history of our relationship is also illustrated in the photo journal part of this visa application.

Before I met [B], I have been living a relationship/commitment-free life for about 8 years. My first and only relationship before [B] was back in 2002 during my University days. It didn’t work out; it was a short relationship but that relationship was one of the major turning points of my life.

I grew up in the province where things were simple. You wake up, you go to school, you play, you eat, and you sleep again. The people are happy, loving and caring. That’s the kind of environment I grew up with and I assumed that everywhere else was the same.

When I turned 16 years old, I left my province and went to the crowded city of Manila for I was very lucky to have been offered a scholarship as a Varsity in one of the top Universities in Manila. That’s where I met my first boyfriend whom I cared for and loved but broke my heart at the end. I was awaken by the reality that the world is nothing similar to what I have initially perceived it to be. It can be cruel even to those with the purest intentions. From then on, I have been quite defensive when it comes to relationships fearing another hard fall. I always stayed on the safe side, protective of myself. In my 8 years of singlehood, I have so much enjoyed the freedom and focused myself in my career and in doing the things I mostly desired – travelling and adventures! But I also dated guys and I would say that at some point, I have attempted to open up myself in to another relationship but none of it felt right. And so I told myself to be patient for I know that someday someone will come and without a doubt and hesitation, will sweep me off my feet!

And so I continued to patiently wait and finally he came in the most unexpected place and time. I guess what they say is true that love comes when you least expect it.

My 5 friends and I joined a 3-day caving expedition in the Visayas region in June 2010. On the 2nd day of the expedition, in the dark but astonishing caves of Samar, [B] arrived and joined us – and that was when it all started. That time, [B] was just starting his 5-week vacation. In every pain we gained from crawling like crabs in tight passageways and climbing huge stones; in laughters when we get stuck or slid in muddy trails; in the suspense of the blinding darkness; in the excitement of new discoveries; in the fear of the unknown and other more things the caves offered, a great friendship was developed.

It was unexpected, it was unplanned but for [B] and I, that friendship eventually turned to love and commitment to each other. It happened so fast! I was helplessly swept off my feet and I willingly gave in because for the first time, it felt so right.

After the expedition, [B] explored other parts of the Philippines and also Taiwan but he has consistently visited me in Manila every weekend which was my rest day at work. Then he went back to Australia holding on to our commitment to each other. Our communication with each other was kept intact and we talk almost every day through email, skype, chat, text or call.

Our relationship turned to be an expensive one for we travel to see each other. We met in Kota Kinabalu Malaysia in September 2010, he came back to visit me in Manila in October 2010, I went to meet his family, relatives and friends in Perth and we also travelled to Sydney and Canberra in December 2010 and our most recent travel was in Hong Kong and Macau in January 2011.

On December 15, 2010, 60 meters above the ground, on top of a 200-year old Bi-Centennial Tree at Pemberton South West of Western Australia, [B] unexpectedly proposed marriage to me which I happily accepted. We are always happy when we are together and it is always difficult when it is parting time for we live in 2 different countries thousands of miles away from each other.

As we plan our future together, we both decided that I come over and live with him at Perth because he is still taking his second degree in Law at Murdoch University. We are both very excited to start our future together. I would like to always be there for him, to support him, to take care and love him. I will look for work and start my career when I get to Perth while he finishes his Law degree while working at the same time. Then we will get married in 2012 and we will continue to happily build a stable life enjoying each other’s existence until we decide to start and build our family maybe in 3 years time.

I have a very good and stable career in the Philippines earning about 10 times more than the average wage worker. I live alone, I do anything I can think of, I eat anything I desire, I go to places I want to go to, I buy anything I want, but despite all that, I have never been happier and fulfilled until [B] came in to my life. I have waited for 8 long years for someone to make me fall in love and feel loved again and now that he has come, I will love and care for him truthfully and unconditionally. Thus, I have made a definite and willing decision to leave my successful life in the Philippines and start it all over again with him in Australia.

If I am to recall my past, I consider it to be very well crafted! I think I was really meant to be hurt on my first relationship, to be defensive of myself. It made me more clever and careful not to commit myself in to a relationship just for the sake of committing. The pain of that first relationship gave me reasons to wait; made me endure the years of uncertain waiting for I knew and I felt that somewhere, there was someone I was yet to meet who is so much worthy to receive my love and commitment. And I was very right! From the very start, [B] has been a great boyfriend to me; very loving, supportive, understanding, honest, trustworthy and most of all, he loves me so dearly. Thus, I would say that [B] is definitely worth my years and years of wait.

At this point, [B] and his Dad has been preparing for my arrival. They are renovating some part of the house, buying appliances and furniture for a more comfortable living for us. I dearly appreciate all the effort [B] and his family has put up for my future arrival. [B] is coming to the Philippines for a month in June to July 2011 and we are both hopeful that this visa application will be approved by your good office and the result would come out before he arrives in June so I can come with him in July when he comes back to Australia. 

From here on, our great future together now rests upon your hands.

My life as I saw, see and foresee it…

I am turning 28 in 12 days! 2 more years and I will be 30 years old. Geeez! Time literally flies.

I grew up with my grandmother who reared me since I was 2 years old when my parents were too busy making a living for our family of 4 children. She has acted as a mother to me, taught me good manners, the concept of good and bad, and established me to be a good person until I graduated from high school at 16.

I was lucky to get a scholarship in one of the top Universities so I had to leave her to take advantage of the great opportunity being given to me. From then on, I have learned to live on my own. I worked hard to complete my University degree and my Master’s degree and I have been dependent to no one but myself.

I started working full time at the age of 19 while I take my Master’s degree. It was difficult but I persevered. I worked at night, attended the University in the morning and train for the varsity team 3 times a week. There were days when I barely slept but I didn’t mind. I was pumped up to be successful in everything that I do.

With persistence and focus, I gained several successes at work which resulted to several promotions. I have moved up from the bottom of the pyramid up to the middle within 5 years. I have been earning more than enough money for myself and I was able to send my bother to college, helped my family in a way I could and have treated myself well for all the hard work I put up the past years. I have travelled in more than 10 countries, engaged myself in different adventures, and just literally enjoyed life and relished my freedom!
I would say that I almost have everything except for one thing - LOVE.

I once committed myself in to a relationship when I was 19 which turned to betrayal. From then on, I skipped the concept of commitment and have lived a peaceful, commitment free life for about 8 years.

And then I fell in love again for the 2nd time. I am now engaged to be married on my birthday next year, July 01, 2012. We are on a long distance relationship for a year now and though we constantly travel together and we talk almost every day, being physically apart is just difficult. Thus, we decided to finally be together which means: me, leaving everything behind and move with him in a country that is so foreign to me.

And this is what this blog is about…

My life is about to change 360 degrees and I would like write and capture every bit of it and is hopeful that the people who will read this will learn something from it and may be inspired by the lessons life is about to teach me.