Monday, June 20, 2011

My life as I saw, see and foresee it…

I am turning 28 in 12 days! 2 more years and I will be 30 years old. Geeez! Time literally flies.

I grew up with my grandmother who reared me since I was 2 years old when my parents were too busy making a living for our family of 4 children. She has acted as a mother to me, taught me good manners, the concept of good and bad, and established me to be a good person until I graduated from high school at 16.

I was lucky to get a scholarship in one of the top Universities so I had to leave her to take advantage of the great opportunity being given to me. From then on, I have learned to live on my own. I worked hard to complete my University degree and my Master’s degree and I have been dependent to no one but myself.

I started working full time at the age of 19 while I take my Master’s degree. It was difficult but I persevered. I worked at night, attended the University in the morning and train for the varsity team 3 times a week. There were days when I barely slept but I didn’t mind. I was pumped up to be successful in everything that I do.

With persistence and focus, I gained several successes at work which resulted to several promotions. I have moved up from the bottom of the pyramid up to the middle within 5 years. I have been earning more than enough money for myself and I was able to send my bother to college, helped my family in a way I could and have treated myself well for all the hard work I put up the past years. I have travelled in more than 10 countries, engaged myself in different adventures, and just literally enjoyed life and relished my freedom!
I would say that I almost have everything except for one thing - LOVE.

I once committed myself in to a relationship when I was 19 which turned to betrayal. From then on, I skipped the concept of commitment and have lived a peaceful, commitment free life for about 8 years.

And then I fell in love again for the 2nd time. I am now engaged to be married on my birthday next year, July 01, 2012. We are on a long distance relationship for a year now and though we constantly travel together and we talk almost every day, being physically apart is just difficult. Thus, we decided to finally be together which means: me, leaving everything behind and move with him in a country that is so foreign to me.

And this is what this blog is about…

My life is about to change 360 degrees and I would like write and capture every bit of it and is hopeful that the people who will read this will learn something from it and may be inspired by the lessons life is about to teach me.

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