Thursday, October 27, 2011

A 20-day old OZ!

Today marks my 20th day down under as an official resident! Wheeehaaa!

I actually thought it’s been longer than that!

But anyway… what can I say? Hmmm… one thing, it’s DIFFERENT! Of course, it is! But adjusting seems to be not a problem to me at all. I think I have adjusted well enough.

One thing I am just not very used to is the idea of being “dependent” to someone (at least financially)! It just feels foreign to me. I rather have someone depend on me than me being dependent on someone. But I guess it’s all part of me growing up and becoming more mature. I needed to learn to let go of my control-freak self and be free to depend on someone. Yeah, I really should learn that!

Aside from my job hunting frustrations, things seem to be doing Okay. There are still so much to be done around the house but I’ll take it easy. My main goal now is to find a job, pay all my financial commitments, be financially stable again before end of this year, do some home renovations, then save up for our trip and wedding next year!


The hard beginning

Okay, I need to write this down for I know, I will cherish this moment in the future. 

I just recently moved to a new city and left my growing career back home. It is a decision I have made without any doubt. I know it is going to be difficult. However, you just simply cannot avoid feeling down and frustrated with how slow things progress with my job hunting. 

Back home, jobs come to me. Here, I needed to go through the needle hole to get the job I like. 
Back home, there are people willing to hire me in a heartbeat! 
Here – most of the companies don’t even bother to screen me simply because I am not Australian.

But yeah, what can I really expect right? I have known this is going to happen!

I guess I am just venting out. I just want to document how I feel now so if time comes when I already have the job I like and earn as much money I used to earn back home, I can happily look back and say – I made it through, AGAIN!